Enfamil formulas in powder and concentrated liquid form need to be diluted with water before being fed to your baby. Just be sure to store unopened bottles and cans at room temperature, and refrigerate any opened bottles and cans. Ready-to-use liquid formula doesn't require any preparation. They're the most accurate for the product you're using. It's always best to follow the directions on the package. Many Enfamil formulas come in ready-to-use liquid, concentrated liquid, and powder.

Related: How to Find Expiration Dates, Lot Numbers and Batch Codes infant formula Nursette® bottles and infant formula powders only.

Look for the Use By/Expiration Date on the side of the label or on the carton.The Ink Jet Code may be 4-13+ characters long.Ink Jet batch codes may be under the label or on the bottom of the can*.The Lot Number is below the Product Identifier.The Product Identifier is below the Use By/Expiration Date.Look for the Use By/Expiration Date on the top or the bottom of the can.The Use By/Expiration Date can be found on our Enfamil® baby formula or toddler drink product packaging.