Sizebox how to import models
Sizebox how to import models

Try out your model to make sure the caster appears at the end of the robot. This kind of caster is better than adding a wheel with a joint since it places fewer constraints on the physics engine. Try out your model by running gazebo, and importing your model through the The most common use for different collision and visual elements is to have a simplified collision element paired with a visual element that uses a complex mesh. For most use cases the collision and visual elements are the same. The visual element specifies the shape used by the rendering engine. The collision element specifies the shape used by the collision detection engine. Here we have created a box with a size of 0.4 x 0.2 x 0.1 meters. Make the model static by adding a true element to the ~/.gazebo/models/my_robot/model.sdf file:Īdd the rectangular base by editing the ~/.gazebo/models/my_robot/model.sdf file: As a result the model will stay in one place and allow us to properly align all the components. To do this we will make our model static, which means it will be ignored by the physics engine. The first step is to layout the basic shapes of the model. It is important to start simple, and build up a model in steps. This step will create a rectangular base with two wheels.

sizebox how to import models sizebox how to import models

The model.sdf file contains the necessary tags to instantiate a model named my_robot using Gazebo linked against SDF version 1.4. The nfig file describes the robot with some extra meta data. gedit ~/.gazebo/models/my_robot/model.sdfĪt this point we have the basic contents for a model. Also, for details on model description formats, please refer to the SDF reference.Ĭreate a model directory: mkdir -p ~/.gazebo/models/my_robotĬreate a model config file: gedit ~/.gazebo/models/my_robot/nfigĬreate a ~/.gazebo/models/my_robot/model.sdf file. You will be creating your own model, which must follow the formatting rules for the Gazebo Model Database directory structure. Read through the Model Database documentation. The tutorial demonstrates Gazebo's basic model management, and exercises familiarity with basic model representation inside the model database by taking the user through the process of creating a two wheeled mobile robot that uses a differential drive mechanism for movement.

Sizebox how to import models