Warhammer 2 total war faction guide
Warhammer 2 total war faction guide

You can give them similar tasks to the regular hounds, but their Frostbite ability means they’re also very useful as a support against tougher foes. Basic Norscan Hounds will do the usual tactical jobs given to hounds in Total War: Warhammer sweeping around flanks, looking for chances to harass isolated war machines, archers, or weaker cavalry. Release the Hounds: Like with the chariots, you’ve got two options. Try to aim for any technologies or character skills that say they will reduce army upkeep (or on specific unit types), and take advantage of any random events that come your way (some of them have a temporary reduced upkeep option too). That requires a fair amount of gold, and at the same time you’re increasing your upkeep.

warhammer 2 total war faction guide

The trickiest period is towards the end of the early campaign segment (Turns 15-35 or so) when you’re trying to both construct your building chains and expand to two armies. By the end of my Total War: Warhammer Wintertooth campaign I had 120,000 banked and enough military power to roll over just about any city I pleased so it really didn’t matter that my three armies were bleeding out 4,000 each turn.

warhammer 2 total war faction guide

Aim for the wealthier settlements (usually capitals) – you can see how much a city will return when sacked by hovering the mouse over them when you’re within striking distance. As you acquire more gold through raiding, sacking, and external challenges like Hunts and Quests, your per-turn-losses become less relevant.

Warhammer 2 total war faction guide